Terra Novo Blog

Winter Erosion Control With EarthGuard Edge

Joy Westby - Friday, January 08, 2016

Use EarthGuard® Edge™ And Be Prepared When The Rain Storms Come.

Winter presents some unique challenges. You may be faced with potential heavy rains, drought or fire-denuded landscape in the west. Or protecting soils excavated during the winter in the Midwest and East Coast. Either way, you still need to be prepared for those potentially damaging rains, when they come.

Here’s a smart way to be prepared. Use our dry, pelletized erosion control product - EarthGuard Edge. Spread it in Winter. By hand, by air or by machine. And enjoy the benefits of this unique and effective erosion control product.

No Water? Frozen Soils? No Problem.

EarthGuard Edge pellets offer remarkably versatility. This is the dry, pelletized version of the highly rated EarthGuard® Fiber Matrix™-- the world’s leading HECP (hydraulically applied erosion control product.) This unique application presents a major advantage over the use of blankets, which require strenuous installation and pin hammering into the frozen ground. And unlike hay mulch, the application of Edge is quicker, more effective and does not result in an untidy site.

Because of it’s pelletized form, you can spread this industry leading erosion control product in virutually any situation. Snowy fields, deserts, mountain sides, industrial work sites. And unlike it’s hydraulically applied cousins, it does not need a water truck and sprayer to apply.

Once water comes in contact with the pellets, the erosion control power is released. Providing your site with the industry leading performance power found in Terra Novo’s EarthGuard® Fiber Matrix™.

To Read About National Testing and Rating of Major Erosion Control Products: Click here for the AASHTO (American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials) National Testing Results.

Contact Andy Iturriria of Terra Novo, to find out more about how EarthGuard Edge can help you use the Winter months to proactively prepare for Springtime erosion control. Saving you money, aggravation and most importantly, time.

661-747-5956 • Andy@terranovo.com









New California Industrial Stormwater Permit and El Niño Storms

Joy Westby - Sunday, September 13, 2015

New California Industrial Stormwater Permit and El Niño Storms

We all know that El Niño is coming to California. That means bigger, more frequent storms throughout the West. So we’ve all got to ramp up our game when it comes to erosion control. If you’re not specifying EarthGuard® products now, you really need to switch over. Get the best to deal with the worst.

The 1-2 Punch. El Niño and the SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan)

This is the “perfect storm” that affects thousands of industrial sites throughout California. This new legislation supports the Federal Regulations of the Clean Water Act, and will be actively enforced by the State Water Board and Regional Water Quality Boards. All industrials sites that have exposed soil will need to install erosion and sediment control BMPs. Daunting? Yes. But there’s an easy way to comply with fast and effective EarthGuard products from Terra Novo.

Contact Andy Iturriria of Terra Novo, to find out more about how Terra Novo products can help you meet the BMP (Best Management Practices) for erosion and sediment control on industrial sites with exposed soil.

661-747-5956 • Andy@terranovo.com

  • Site Visits • Office Consultations • Lunch and Learns
  • Act Now And Avoid The Pain

    Industrial storm water discharges will be at an all-time high. By acting quickly and specifying your plan to include our products, violations can be avoided. Regulators and environmental groups will be monitoring for compliance.

    Use The Best To Deal With The Worst

    Use the best products because those cheaper substitutes will just not hold up to the El Niño rain storms. Need proof? See AASHTO’s most recent rating of the top soil erosion control products. Use products like EarthGuard® Fiber Matrix for one application and avoid multiple redo’s and failures that result when using less effective products.

    Click Here For AASHTO (American Association of State Highway

    Transportation Officials) National Testing Results:

    http://terranovo.com/terra-novo-blog/earth guard-scores-big-in-national-soil-erosion-testing

    Use These Terra Novo Products During Rain Storms to Mitigate Sediment Pollution in Stormwater Run Off:

    Temporary Erosion Control: EarthGuard REAP: Rain Event Action Plan

    Can be applied even during a rain event with an onsite truck or spray rig. Provides immediate erosion control.

    Real Time Sediment Control Of Storm Water: EarthBound Floccin

    Available in snakes or bags. Removes contaminants from storm water.

    Long Term Erosion Control: EarthGuard Fiber Matrix

    Achieved one of the highest ratings EVER in recent AASHTO testing. The best of the best.

    Waterless Erosion Control: EarthGuard Edge Pellet form for quick applications

    Apply mechanically or by hand - activated by rain or moisture.

    How To Speed Up Pipeline Reclamation and Re-vegetation – Now!

    Joy Westby - Wednesday, July 29, 2015


    Satisfy Your Need For Speed With Faster Soil Reclamation and Re-vegetation. Powered by EarthGuard® from Terra Novo.

    The prolonged winter has caused construction delays for many pipeline construction companies. You’re committed to meeting certain dates, but you’re weeks behind. What can you do?

    Shave weeks off your schedule with faster soil re-vegetation and industry leading erosion control performance.

    If you’re using old technology like erosion control matting, you’re using a product that is ineffective, costly to apply, doesn’t really promote fast re-vegetation and is painfully slow to install.

    Try EarthGuard® Fiber Matrix from Terra Novo – the top-rated hydraulically-applied erosion control product (HECP) that sprays on fast and works even faster to promote site re-vegetation/restoration on your pipeline project. 

    Check out the latest testing that ranks EarthGuard Fiber Matrix as one of the fastest, most effective erosion control products on the market today. Click here to see the results. 

    Every day you delay calling use is another lost opportunity to speed up your construction schedule

    Case Study: Lackawanna Line - Williams Companies

    Installer – Penn Line Service

    “Even after heavy rains, we can always trust EarthGuard to do its job”

    Jim Pratt, Penn Line Service

    Why was EarthGuard chosen?

    1. Less material per acre – save install time and costs
    2. Less water per acre – save on water transportation
    3. Less labor per acre – save on labor costs
    4. Excellent results – better erosion control and faster growth means you’re saving time

    The Hidden Costs Of Erosion Control And Revegetation For Your Pipeline Project

    Joy Westby - Monday, July 06, 2015

    Control Dust. Conserve Water. With Terra Novo.

    Joy Westby - Monday, June 29, 2015

    It's a classic problem on the job site. You've got to control dust. But to do that you've got to use water. And during this drought, it's an even tougher problem. 

    But there’s a solution!

    Don’t just meet your water restrictions. Beat them. And look good doing it. With dust control products from Terra Novo™, you can keep down the dust and your water usage at the same time.

    Terra Novo brings you solutions that not only alleviate soil instability but also keep water usage to a minimum:

    DustControl DG

    Recommended for idle areas and traveled roads.

    DustControl DG holds down dust and reduces airborne particles by capping off the surface soil layer. With typical application rates ranging from 50-200 gal/ac, DustControl DG is concentrated and easy to apply.

    Click to download the DustControl DG brochure


    Recommended for ongoing construction and weekend protection.

    DustCap protects the soil structure by binding soil particles together, adding the necessary weight that’s needed to prevent wind from carrying soil away. With an accumulating effect that results in less product use over time, DustCap can also reduce the number of water truck passes per day—by up to 75 percent! Typical initial application ranges from 2-3 gal/ac, followed by a daily application of ½ to 1 gal/ac.

    Click to download the DustCap brochure

    Want to learn more? Contact us today.

    EarthGuard Scores Big In National Soil Erosion Testing

    Joy Westby - Monday, June 29, 2015

    We are proud to announce that Terra Novo™ has received recognition from the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO). Through its National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP), AASHTO has evaluated EarthGuard® Fiber Matrix (FM), and our product earned one of the highest rankings in the history of the test. See the chart below which shows how EarthGuard FM stacked up against the competition.

    AASHTO's NTPEP evaluation provides single-source testing of common products used by departments of transportation manufactured to industry standards. NTPEP's extensive testing helps state departments of transportation compare product performance.

    Our products provide a proven solution for soil erosion control at construction sites. EarthGuard outperformed all of the alternative soil erosion methods, such as straw blankets and mats. In addition, our product surpassed all of our significant competitors in the hydraulically-applied erosion control product (HECP) category. HECPs are definitely the wave of the future.