Terra Novo Blog

Terra Novo Blog

Control Dust. Conserve Water. With Terra Novo.

Joy Westby - Monday, June 29, 2015

It's a classic problem on the job site. You've got to control dust. But to do that you've got to use water. And during this drought, it's an even tougher problem. 

But there’s a solution!

Don’t just meet your water restrictions. Beat them. And look good doing it. With dust control products from Terra Novo™, you can keep down the dust and your water usage at the same time.

Terra Novo brings you solutions that not only alleviate soil instability but also keep water usage to a minimum:

DustControl DG

Recommended for idle areas and traveled roads.

DustControl DG holds down dust and reduces airborne particles by capping off the surface soil layer. With typical application rates ranging from 50-200 gal/ac, DustControl DG is concentrated and easy to apply.

Click to download the DustControl DG brochure


Recommended for ongoing construction and weekend protection.

DustCap protects the soil structure by binding soil particles together, adding the necessary weight that’s needed to prevent wind from carrying soil away. With an accumulating effect that results in less product use over time, DustCap can also reduce the number of water truck passes per day—by up to 75 percent! Typical initial application ranges from 2-3 gal/ac, followed by a daily application of ½ to 1 gal/ac.

Click to download the DustCap brochure

Want to learn more? Contact us today.

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